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Elle Macpherson tell us her anti-aging secret is poor eyesight

Legendary style empress and Fashion Star host Elle Macpherson sits with us to discuss trends, teenagers, being in her 40s and the possibility of a future Playboy appearance.

to elle with it

Legendary style empress and Fashion Star host Elle Macpherson sits with us to discuss trends, teenagers, being in her 40s and the possibility of a future Playboy appearance
SheKnows: What fashion trend makes you cringe?

Elle Macpherson: I love to see people express themselves through their clothes, whatever that is. Anything worn with confidence works by me.

It’s when people try to follow trends that don’t really work for them or that they don’t believe in or don’t understand. They’re just doing it because it seems like the cool thing to do. That’s when it doesn’t come off as well.

What I love about fashion and style is that it’s really about promoting individuality. And the viewer (of Fashion Star) can tune in each week and wear the [winning design] of every episode.

They choose to wear the styles because they love the stories behind the clothes.


SK: Back in the ’90s, you left Ford Modeling Agency to start Elle Macpherson, Inc., which seems really gutsy. What piece of advice do you have for people who are considering leaving the safety of their present situation to launch out on their own?

Get the look: Fashion Star episode 1’s bright blue dress >>

EM: I would say, “Leap and watch the net appear.”

SK: So take a big leap of faith.

EM: Take a leap of faith and watch the net appear. It always does.

SK: Millions of women who turn 40 say they look down one morning to find a gut that wasn’t there before. Has your body done anything bizarre since you’ve turned 40 and what have you done about it?

Get the look: Fashion Star episode 2’s flow red frock >>

EM: Yeah, I have this fantastic phenomenon that’s truly a gift from God. My eyesight went about the same time as the elasticity in my skin. So when I see myself, I look quite good, maybe a little on the blurry side, but then I put my glasses on and I get a wake-up call.

Get the look: Fashion Star episode 3’s peachy dress >>

SK: Mother Nature was good to you… So your oldest son is a teenager. How is that working out for you?

EM: My son is a healthy, feisty, opinionated, courageous, stubborn, rebellious, beautiful, smelly teenager and I love him for it all.

Get the look: Fashion Star episode 4’s chic shorts and blazer >>

SK: In a couple years you’ll be 50. We’re curious — will you celebrate with another photo shoot for Playboy?

EM: Hmmmm. That’s not high on my agenda, let’s put it that way. (Giggling) I’m not sure it’s appropriate at this time.

Catch Elle Macpherson on Fashion Star, Tuesdays at 10 p.m./9 p.m. c

Photo courtesy of WENN

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