Mom blogging has become a whole lot easier! There are apps for your phone that allow you to be on the go while you’re out and about in the world and remain connected and working.
There’s an App for that?
Being a mom blogger is my dream job.
I can work from home.
I can work on the go.
I can work from vacation.
Simply put: I have the ability to work anywhere at anytime. It’s a nice luxury.
I’ve become more and more of a mobile mom blogger since becoming familiar with iPhone apps that help a blogger out. When I first started blogging, I thought I had to tote my laptop with me everywhere I went (and hope for WiFi). Thankfully, that’s not the case anymore. There are so many ways to get the “job” done without being strapped to a laptop or computer at home (or a coffee shop).
Throughout the day, I’m blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, pinning and videoing with my iPhone. I don’t have any additional bells and whistles with me — just me and my iPhone. It’s funny: One of the most common questions I get asked is, “How do you balance your work life with your home life?” People always see me “online,” so they assume I’m at home working in my office not seeing my kids or my husband. It’s quite the opposite. When I’m home, I’m always with them. I’m able to do this because of the help I get from some of my favorite apps!
The many benefits of starting a mom blog >>
This platform allows you to blog on the go. I can upload photos and videos right into the body of my posts and publish on the spot. It’s the easiest way to be a mom blogger and share your content while you’re out and about. I blog right at events and blogging conferences. If you use WordPress, this will change your life as a blogger. I was able to triple my postings in a day because of this app.
I’m always asked what app I use for Twitter on my iPhone. I’m all about TweetDeck. It’s user friendly. It never gives me problems. I can easily move from one column to the next. I love that I can take photos and post them up in seconds, too. I’m all about tweeting throughout the day as a mom blogger, and this app keeps me going. It’s my fave Twitter app by far.
If you’re a mom blogger, you have to have Facebook on your phone. There are more than 80 million moms on Facebook — it’s the way to connect. I always post my blog postings to my Facebook account, and I can easily do this through my app, not to mention it’s a great way to stay connected and see what’s going on in the blogging community when you’re not home in front of your computer.
Scan to PDF
I just downloaded this app, and I’m in love! My scanner/fax machine broke last week, so I haven’t been able to send any contracts or paperwork. A friend suggested Scan to PDF, and it’s life changing for a business person. Take a photo of the contract on your iPhone, and this app will turn it into a PDF that looks like it was scanned. You simply send and … done!
Video Edit
I’m a big vlogger, and I like to be able to make my movies while I’m out and about in “real life.” The Video Edit app allows you to edit your videos right on your phone. It’s easy and convenient. Everything can be shot, edited and published without having to touch my laptop.
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Working mom 3.0: Simple skills that build your career
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