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Join Jimmy Kimmel in helping a 7-year-old boy with brain cancer!

We support anybody’s endeavour in helping others, but this 7-year-old boy’s story and endless inspiration is actually astounding. Jimmy Kimmel clearly agrees!

The hilarious TV show host Jimmy Kimmel has brought to our attention a very worthy cause that we think you should know about.

With the rising popularity of the Rainbow Looms — a new trend of weaving colourful rubber bands into bracelets and other doodads — Kimmel requested his viewers send him their creations and put them together into the ultimate “Suit of the Loom.” He showed it off during his Jimmy Kimmel Live.

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Kimmel then told us the story of 7-year-old Max, who is battling brain cancer and inspired his entire Arryo Elementary School in Tustin, California, to jump on the Rainbow Loom extravaganza to show their support for him. Jimmy naturally invited Max to the show and even had a surprise waiting for him:

This brave boy is also behind a great non-profit organization called The Max Love Project, which aims to help families with children battling cancers. And his Arryo Elementary School is also hosting a Loom-a-Thon, hoping to make the longest Rainbow Loom chain in the world. As you can tell, we’re talking about a passionate and incredibly inspiring kid here.

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So, if you have the means, help this amazing cause by bidding on Jimmy Kimmel’s “Suit of the Loom” on eBay. The bid is currently at $13,900. Or simply make a donation to The Max Love Project. We guarantee you won’t regret it!

We hope Max continues to inspire people around him and his school will be successful in making that Rainbow Loom chain! We want to see photos!

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Photo courtesy of Daniel Tanner/

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