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It may be “Hard 2 Face Reality” for Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber released a new track on Saturday titled “Hard 2 Face Reality,” but, no, it’s not about his legal troubles. It’s obviously about a girl.

Photo courtesy of Nikki Nelson/

We’re not sure if this was deliberate or not, but Justin Bieber unleashed a brand new track on Saturday poignantly titled “Hard 2 Face Reality.” Should we be expecting a confession any time soon? Nope, don’t hold your breath.

While the song’s moniker may very accurately echo Bieber’s current state of seeming disillusion and downward spiral into the Land of Nought, it’s actually an R&B ballad about a dilapidating relationship with his lovecake (Selena Gomez, perhaps?). Take a listen for yourself:

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Video courtesy of Justin Bieber Vevo/YouTube

Yes, we would love nothing more than a release of a heartfelt track trailing Bieber’s mischievous antics and an emotional apology to the world for his unseemly behaviour (and new criminal record), but we just have to accept the fact that it may never happen. On the other hand, this very Usher-esque love song is not half bad, right?

While everything may seem topsy-turvy with the 20-year-old performer right now, at least he can still sing and melt the hearts of women the world over. And that’s a small comfort, no?

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We may be too optimistic about this, but deep down, we retain the hope that Bieber will return to us one day. He will be the same cutie, who sat on the steps of a Stratford Tim Hortons and made the entire neighbourhood smile. One day, we tell ya! What do you think of the new track?

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