The squeaky clean tween sensation’s shiny image has taken a hit lately. Are his recent slip-ups gateway scandals to a Lohan-like rap sheet or just a young star blowing off some steam? Let’s review…
Baby mama drama
Remember when Maria Yeater filed a paternity suit against JB, claiming he was the father of her then 3-month-old baby? Yeah, that was an interesting two minutes. When we heard about it, we were in shock — partly because we couldn’t handle the idea of our favorite wholesome crooner being a teen dad, and partly because we were certain his testicles had not yet dropped. Of course we all know that Ms. Yeater dropped the suit when Bieber’s side threatened legal action. Obviously, trumped up allegations by a stalker don’t sully one’s reputation, but the stress it puts one under might cause one to do things like…
Justin Bieber says don’t believe the baby hype >>
On July 6, Justin was cited for speeding in his chrome Fisker Karma (don’t feel bad, we had to Google it too). L.A. City Councilman Dennis Zine called 911 when he witnessed Justin speeding and “driving like a maniac.” Justin responded by filing harassment charges against the photographer who had chased him so aggressively down the freeway. So you see, Justin wasn’t on some coke-fueled high-speed chase through L.A. He just really didn’t want his picture taken. The only thing that seems criminal here is that an 18-year-old owns a car valued at over $100,000.
Justin Bieber‘s lead foot gets Fisker Karma pulled over >>
Lady troubles
Teenage girls’ hormones soared for about 3-1/2 seconds last week when troubles between The Biebs and his on again/off again gal pal Selena Gomez were reported. Ah, teenage love. One minute “we are so broken up” and the next, “I can’t live without you.” These two lovebirds seemed to patch things up and were spotted hand-in-hand a couple days later. Running hot and cold in an adolescent relationship doesn’t seem like immediate cause for concern. Now if Justin was making tabloid headlines for a rocky relationship with his same-sex DJ partner (a la Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson), we might be able to draw a comparison.
New tattoo
When you’re 18 you can buy porn, dry ice and/or get a tattoo. Justin chose to celebrate his adulthood with fresh ink, which he proudly premiered on David Letterman. Tattoos are not always synonymous with rebellious behavior, and since Justin assured Letterman that he wasn’t going for the “Sixteenth Chapel” look (insert Letterman’s wisecrack about the Canadian school system here), we aren’t anticipating any Bieb-sleeves just yet.
Pitching a BF
Which in this case stand for Bieber-Fit. On a Detroit radio show, when the DJ made a comment about Justin’s mother and his boy band friends, Bieber shot back that the DJ should watch his mother around JB, and the DJ said that his mother was dead. The Biebs was already in a heightened state of annoyance because the DJ compared his voice to Justin Timberlake’s, so after the mom-jab JB hung up! Everybody knows it’s not cool to launch into “Yo Mama” jokes on a radio show. “Oh yeah, well yo mama is… uh… dead.” Is this an indication of a young star getting out of hand? Naw. It could be a sign that he needs to brush up on his mom jokes, but it more than likely is just a cautionary note to interviewers who liken Justin to other singers or who make inappropriate comments about his mom.
Justin Bieber mom joke gets radio host suspended? >>
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