Life is good for stars of the Olympic swim team! The group recently were treated to a sneak peek of Finding Nemo 3D, and as to be expected, one particular Dory line from the film struck a chord.
The U.S Olympic swim team and Finding Nemo 3D are quite a match! Those poised to compete in the pool were recently treated to a screening of the film, making the bunch among the first to watch the must-“sea” movie.
It’s a pun. Oh, what fun.
Seen here with their snorkel-rific 3D glasses are Olympians Chloe Sutton, Scott Weltz, Jessica Hardy, Missy Franklin, Nick Thoman and Micah Lawrence. The group not only watched the film, but sang Dory’s trademark “just keep swimming” ditty for the cameras. Don’t miss the video below!
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The Olympians, who will begin competing after the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony commences on July 27 in London, will return home by mid-August — in plenty of time to catch a second screening of Dory doing her thing. Finding Nemo 3D is set to hit theaters Sep. 14!
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Freshly caught up on their Nemo fun, the Olympians will also be well-prepared to take in today’s breaking news: Finding Nemo is getting a sequel! Come 2016 (also a Summer Olympics year — coincidence or not?), we’ll get to see Nemo take on a whole new adventure, thanks to director Andrew Stanton and the Disney/Pixar geniuses.
Check out the “just keep swimming” Finding Nemo 3D fun with Olympic swimmers in the video below!
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