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What you missed on YouTube: Week of Aug. 17

This week, headlines were all about Shark Week and Honey Badger (the football player, not the animal) going into rehab. That inspired us to whip up a fun-filled-furry Friday. Mentally, it’s already the weekend anyway, right? So when you should be working, tune in and then tune out to these…

Some of these clips contain adult language and themes.

Jimmy Fallon lists pros and cons of Shark Week

Jimmy jumped on the Shark Week bandwagon (or bandboat??) and formulated a list of Shark Week pros and cons. We love Jimmy’s aw-shucks delivery and creativity, so we almost forgive him for leaving SNL.

Crazy Nasty-a** Honey Badger

We can’t really speak to the football player, Honey Badger, who is headed for rehab, but honey badger the animal is a bad-a**. Most animals steer clear of highly venomous creatures such as cobras. Not the honey badger. It eats them for lunch, passes out from the venom coursing through its veins, and then gets up and does it again. “Honey badger don’t care. He don’t give a s***.” If you just climbed out from under a rock, and haven’t seen this yet, check it out. If you have seen it, take it for another spin. It never gets old.

http://www.<a href="" id="auto-tag_youtube_2" data-tag="youtube">youtube</a>.com/embed/4r7wHMg5Yjg

Funny talking animals

This clip is just a mindless crowd-pleaser. How many ringtones do you think were made from, “Allen! Allen! Allen! Allen!” Why is that so funny? We have no frickin’ clue. Which partially explains why it’s so funny. It just is.

Dr. Doolittle 2 trailer

It is alarming how many people have still not seen this movie. This trailer doesn’t do this giggle-fest justice. Featuring the voices of Norm MacDonald, Lisa Kudrow and Andy Dick, how can you go wrong? Watch this movie this weekend even if you don’t have kids, and don’t be surprised if you start saying things like, “Rub my butt. Rub my butt. Get back here, rub my butt. Please rub my butt.” 

Magic meerkat moments

Meerkats were cool before anyone ever heard of honey badgers. They’re smart, affectionate and better at living in community than most people. Watch this clip and then waste copious amounts of time watching other clips of the ever-fascinating meerkat.

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