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Leonardo DiCaprio to the rescue! Invites R-Patz on guys’ trip

Robert Pattinson is apparently getting a sympathetic ear, and a wild time, courtesy of Leonardo DiCaprio. Since the Kristen Stewart-Rupert Sanders cheating debacle, the Titanic star has reportedly invited Pattinson to Puerto Rico for an all-guys getaway.

Actor Robert Pattinson has been compared to Leonardo DiCaprio, and it’s no secret the younger actor has looked up to the longtime A-lister.

But R-Patz was apparently caught off guard when his role model invited him to a shindig, coinciding with the wrap party on DiCaprio’s new production Runner, Runner.

“Leo wants to book a mansion at a secret location on the coast so he and his pals can party in private,” a source told Showbiz Spy. “Leo figured it would be great for him to hang out with a bunch of laid-back guys.

“Leo joked they could compare baseball cap collections — and told Rob before he knew it, he’d be dating a model, just like him!”

That would probably crush Kristen Stewart, if the reports that the actress wants him back are true. But, at least for now, it seems that Pattinson has had “no interest” in speaking with the cheating star.

While R-Patz is said to have been “taken by surprise” when Leo reached out to him, the A-list actor has reportedly been following the Twilight star’s career ever since they started calling Rob “the next Leonardo DiCaprio.” Go figure!

Reese Witherspoon is another name that keeps popping up during the whole cheating scandal, and this source tells Showbiz Spy that Leo got in touch with Rob through her.

The soon-to-be BFFs (?) reportedly met at a Haiti fundraiser two years ago.

Image courtesy of STS/

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