You spend your whole life taking care of your family. It’s time to take care of yourself. You’ll be happier, you’ll be healthier and you’ll be a better mom. Here are six ways moms can take care of themselves today.
Take time for yourself
We know it sounds impossible. Most moms can barely get five minutes to go to the bathroom alone, let alone a whole chunk of time all just for you. Do what you can to get a little time for yourself. Try and get everyone to nap at the same time so you can be alone, then take a solo trip to the grocery store. Get your husband, friends or family to watch the kiddos for an afternoon so you can do whatever you want — go to the spa, run errands, go shopping, read a book, take a nap. Just that little bit of time to yourself is empowering and refreshing. Give it a try!
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Get some sleep
When was the last time you had a full eight hours of sleep? If you’re like most moms, it’s been a long time, but you’ve got to try and squeeze it in. Forget the laundry and the chores (and that 11 o’clock television show) , go to bed when the kids go to bed or soon after. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and rested — and your whole day will go better.
Ask for help
Moms today are pulled in a thousand different directions all at once. If you don’t do something to stop it, you’ll break. When you’ve just got too much going on, ask for help. Ask your husband to go to the grocery store, or see if grandma can take your daughter to dance class. If your kids are older, ask them to chip in and take on a few chores. You’re just one person and there’s no reason you should be expected to handle everything.
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Take pride in your appearance
It’s easy to get caught up in your kids and forget about yourself. Especially if you’re a stay-at-home or work-at-home mom, it’s easy to spend the day in sweats or forget to shower. Don’t let that happen. Take a shower, even if it means you have to bring the kids into the room with you. Do your hair, wear a little makeup and put on pants that button. You’ll feel so much better about yourself, you’ll be more confident and you’ll find yourself smiling a lot more.
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Have some fun
You had a life before your kids. They’re your life now, but that doesn’t mean your old one has to be completely forgotten. Make plans to have some fun and reclaim the old you, even if it’s just for the evening. Have a date night, go to a movie, see a show or a stand-up comedian, go to a concert, play on a playground, go to a theme park or just go bar hopping. Try to remember what you did in your pre-children life (we know it was a lifetime ago, but if you try hard, you’ll remember) and plan on doing it again, soon.
Just say no
You’re bombarded with requests and demands from the second you wake up. You don’t have to do it all! Don’t be afraid to deny a request, whether it’s coming from your children, spouse, family friends, work or someone else. You can only fit so much into a day and you’ve already got enough on your plate. Don’t feel bad about it. Not only is it empowering to say “no,” but you’ll feel so much better knowing you have one less thing on your shoulders.
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