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Samuel L. Jackson’s Kanye West moment as Isaac looms

Samuel L. Jackson has been mum on Twitter Tuesday morning — the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans. This quiet comes only after he stirred up a storm earlier with his comments as Tropical Storm Isaac began to cut a familiar path through the Gulf.

Perhaps channeling Kanye (“Bush hates black people”) West from almost seven years before to the day, Samuel L. Jackson upheld his bada** reputation by tweeting Monday, as Tropical Storm Isaac barreled down the Gulf of Mexico toward New Orleans: “Unfair S***: GOP spared by Issac! NOLA prolly F***** Again! Not understanding God’s plan!”

The actor is referring to the storm originally being poised to batter Florida — the site of the Republican National Convention. It later changed direction, cutting a path hurricane-watchers noted was similar to that of Katrina seven years before.

The National Hurricane Center notes the storm could make landfall late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

Celebs protecting New Orleans homes from Isaac >>

As of Tuesday morning, Jackson’s potty-mouthed commentary via tweet had been retweeted more than 1,000 times.

So many of the responses to his tweet were so hate-filled (peppered with the likes of “Lib Lunatic,” “you … moron,” “stupid a** f***”), that Jackson was prompted to dish out his own response to the angry masses — and it sounds so very SLJ.

“Daayum! Poked a Hornets nest, hunh? Apologies to God, Tampa, da GOP& Isaac(sp)! Who played the Race card?!,” he tweeted not even 30 minutes after the first “Unfair S***” message.

He later went on to say, via Twitter: “Whoooo! A lotta s*** stirred into a Bulls*** tweet! Politics & Religion get MUHFREPUBLICANS heated!”

Hey, what were you expecting? It is Samuel L. Jackson.

But then … something (or someone, like his publicist) happened.

Two minutes later, the star got mushy (by his standards) and wrote: “Seriously, leave the path of Danger if you’re asked. Be Safe & be Smart wherever you are & whatever your Politics!”

What’s more “inexplicable” than Isaac’s changing path could very well be Jackson suddenly going all Public Service Announcement on us!

Image courtesy of FayesVision/

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