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Alanis Morissette opens up about postpartum depression

The new mom and wife opened up to Good Morning America about her struggles, how she overcame them and why she is talking about it now.

Alanis Morissette released her last album four years ago, but she’s been far from doing nothing. In 2010, Morissette married her husband and later that year, she gave birth to her son, Ever.

But Tuesday morning on Good Morning America, Morissette shared her battle with postpartum depression. The singer talked about how the disease is not something that is spoken about as much as it should be, and she wants to bring it to light.

“I really think transparency really levels the playing field for all of us and renders us all human,” she said, according to Us Weekly. “It was just a really intense time, and if I could share anything with anyone who’s going through it, it would be to encourage them to seek help and reach out a little earlier than I did.”

She said women are growing and learning that it is OK to ask for help with things. The same goes with a disease such as postpartum depression.

“The feminist movement went through being very dependent, being autonomous, being individualistic and being empowered on our own, burning your bras and such,” she said on the show. “And then now, in 2012, there’s this gorgeous inner-dependence. And saying ‘I’m really empowered and I need you and I need help.’ It’s really great.”

But Morissette continued by saying that the depression is something she got through because her family helped her. The fact that she had this new baby and new family made the depression seem not so bad.

“There’s this intimacy that comes from commitment, and there’s this healing that is to be gotten from that. So with my son and my husband and my marriage, there’s a lot of healing that’s going on,” she said, according to Us Weekly. “Songwriting is really cathartic and it moves all this energy, [but] it didn’t necessarily heal anything.”

Morissette’s new album Havoc and Bright Lights is out today. She is also currently on a nationwide tour.

Photo courtesy Apega/

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