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Ann Romney’s gay wedding role on Modern Family?

Ann Romney’s getting rave reviews for her Oscar de la Renta-clad “performance” at the GOP convention, but she may be making her TV debut soon, thanks to an “invite” from the creator of ABC’s Modern Family.

On Tuesday, the day after Entertainment Tonight revealed Ann Romney’s favorite show was Modern Family, its co-creator and executive producer caught wind of this famous fan — extending an “invite” for Mitt’s wife to appear on the show. Even so, it’s fair to say he’s not a fan of the Romney family.

“Thrilled Ann Romney says ModFam is her favorite show,” tweeted Steve Levitan. “We’ll offer her the role of officiant at Mitch & Cam’s wedding. As soon as it’s legal.”

Of course, Levitan’s referring to the gay couple on the show, and he’s taking a swipe at her husband’s stand on gay marriage, which has appeared to become increasingly more intolerant throughout his campaign.

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The Huffington Post points to a June speech at the super-conservative Liberty University, where Mitt Romney said he believes, “Marriage is between one man and one woman.”

The publication notes this is in contrast to Mitt’s claim during the 1994 Massachusetts Senate race that he was a “bigger proponent of gay rights than Ted Kennedy.”

The Romneys are also members of the Mormon church, which famously supported Prop 8 — the ballot measure to outlaw gay marriage in the state.

Scrubs star and compulsive tweep Zach Braff surmises: “Ann Romney says her favorite tv show is “Modern Family”? Someone must mute the Cam scenes for her…”

Zach also adds the nice touch that the millionaires many, many, many times over must have someone else mute the TV for them.

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