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Want to see a Hulk Hogan sex tape? Too bad, it exists

Whatcha gonna do when a Hulk Hogan sex tape runs wild on you, brother?

File this one under “something we didn’t need to see… ever”: Hulk Hogan has a sex tape — and yes, it shows everything.

The obviously NSFW video — posted in part on Gawker — shows the Hulkster hooking up with an unidentified woman. The video likely originated before he split from now ex-wife Linda Hogan, judging from some comments he makes.

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As for the woman, several sources are claiming she is Heather Clem, the ex-wife of Hulk’s best bud, radio shock jock Bubba the Love Sponge. What’s weirder? The sex tape twosome allegedly talk to Bubba right before doing the deed.

“Do your thing … I’ll be in the office if you need me,” the man in the background tells a completely nude Hogan and his partner.

Then, they do the deed — and Hogan is surprisingly gifted in the nether regions for someone who copped to years of anabolic steroid use. Afterward, Hogan showers and says he “feels like a pig” for eating right before sex.

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The video was reportedly sent to Gawker anonymously this week, though rumors of a tawdry tape have circulated for months.

“[Hulk] neither approved of the filming nor the release of the same,” Hogan’s attorney David Houston told TMZ after the rumors emerged. “It is clearly an outrageous invasion of privacy and breach of trust if it is genuine.”

The weirdest part? Ex-wife Linda said she wanted to see the tape, mostly because she wants to use it to prove he cheated on her. He denied he cheated during their two-decade marriage and filed a defamation suit against his ex. Now, it looks like she’ll win the lawsuit if the tape is allowed in as evidence.

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Hulk might use a temporary insanity defense, though: He told TMZ that he slept with so many women after he split from Linda.

“During that time, I don’t even remember people’s names, much less girls,” he said in March.

These days, Hulk is married (and faithful, he says) to Jennifer McDaniel.

Image courtesy

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