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Mila Kunis goes tagging for gay rights

Mila Kunis likes to engage in a little art to promote gay rights. Yes, seriously.

The Buzz – Mila Kunis Supports Gay Marriage by Participating in Illegal Street Art
Esquire Magazine named Mila Kunis the Sexiest Woman Alive, and she spilled some deep secrets about her illegal past time!

Mila Kunis isn’t exactly afraid of speaking her mind, so there really isn’t much we don’t know about her. However, Ashton Kutcher’s girlfriend did give us a bit of new information in her new cover interview with Esquire.

Namely, the Ted actress admits to doing something illegal in favor of gay marriage. The 29-year-old coyly admitted to engaging in some “political street art” in favor of gay marriage.

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Maybe it’s just the fighting spirit instilled in her by her immigrant parents. Kunis came to the United States from the Ukraine when she was just 8 — but don’t call her a trailblazer.

“My parents should sit down and talk about it,” she said when the Esquire reporter asked her about moving to the States. “They’re the ones who went through hell and back, who gave everything up. I didn’t do anything. I was eight years old, and I tagged along.”

The one thing she does know for sure? She really loves NYC.

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“Right now, I like New York for two months, three months, and then I like to get out of New York. I like the idea of New York, where everybody keeps to themselves and then congregates and disperses,” she told the magazine, adding that she has an apartment in the West Village. “I like that people aren’t in your business. You get together, but everybody’s got somewhere to be.”

As for her feelings on Los Angeles? Meh.

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“[In Los Angeles], everybody’s so loosey-goosey throughout the day. There’s traffic all day long. Nobody really has a job that’s nine to five,” she said.

So, keep your eyes peeled for a Mila Kunis sighting, New Yorkers!

Image courtesy FayesVision/

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