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Lindsay Lohan’s fight with mom over money, cocaine?

Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan got into a huge fight after a night of drinking and (alleged) drug use in New York City.

The Buzz – Police are called to Lindsay Lohan’s home after a dispute with her mother
Police were called to Lindsay Lohan’s home Wednesday morning after involved in an altercation with her mother, Dina.

Dina Lohan might not have been drunk during her interview with Dr. Phil, but she certainly was on Tuesday night when she got into it with daughter Lindsay Lohan. Cops were called to the elder Lohan’s Long Island home around 8 a.m. Wednesday after the pair returned from a late night of partying.

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According to TMZ, the pair started arguing when Lindsay wanted to go to a hotel in New York City and Dina wanted to return home via chauffeured SUV “to avoid paying for a taxi.”

The pair apparently argued in the car and Lindsay eventually got her father Michael Lohan involved — something she tends to do when she’s mad at her mom. Michael ended up calling the cops.

“She [Lindsay] was yelling “I’ve had enough of this!’ witness John Scalesi told The New York Post.

No arrests were made and the cops left without incident.

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“It was just a verbal dispute in the vehicle. It was an argument between Lindsay Lohan and her mother Dina,” said Nassau police Inspector Kenneth Lack of the incident. “Lindsay called her father and her father called police.”

Michael — never one to let a moment of publicity go by — cryptically told the Post that the whole thing was “a hell of a lot more than that.”

The New York Daily News delved into that a bit deeper by claiming the feud was over a $40,000 loan Lindsay gave her mom. What’s worse? Michael reportedly has audio of Lindsay saying that her mom’s on cocaine.

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“Dad, she’s on cocaine. She’s like touching her neck, and s**t… She’s saying disgusting things to me… I’m dead to her now,” TMZ reported Lindsay as saying.

Here we go again. Michael later said that both his ex and daughter “need help.”

Here’s our (free) advice: Dina, stop trying to be a pal with your troubled daughter and be a parent. Who are we kidding? Where’s the fun in that?

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