Lindsay Lohan is turning her back on her dad after he went to the media with her frantic phone call for help. Now she’s found herself a new father figure: Mitt Romney.
Lindsay Lohan is super ticked off at her father and has turned against him in the wake of a vicious fight with her mom. But never fear! She has a new daddy waiting in the wings.
When Lindsay called her dad for help during the argument, Michael Lohan recorded the conversation and then sold it to the media. Class act, that guy. Now Lindsay is furious and desperately trying to do damage control.
“I told my dad a really hurtful and untruthful lie about my mom. She was not on cocaine,” Lindsay told TMZ. “Daughters have fights with their moms. It happens a lot. It’s normal.”
Lindsay also said she was “done” with Michael and added that he “doesn’t know what it means to be a father. He doesn’t want to be a dad.”
But of course every girl needs a father figure in her life, even Lindsay — and it seems she has already chosen one. Last night at Mr Pink’s Ginseng Drink event at the Regent Beverly Wilshire, she told E! News that she is all about Mitt Romney.
Lindsay Lohan reveals her bullied past to Katie Couric >>
“I just think employment is really important right now,” said the actress, who is this close to being unemployable because of how difficult it is to insure her. “So, as of now, Mitt Romney. As of now.”
Why Mittens?
“It’s a long story,” she said. We’re sure.
But regardless, Michael Lohan‘s not sweating it.
“I know Lindsay loves me and I love her very much,” he told TMZ.
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