Education — easily the most important aspect of a country’s long-term health. An educated workforce means less poverty, homelessness, and a healthy economy. On a more personal level, our children deserve choices, opportunities, and the resources to become the leaders of our country. Education has a domino effect on the success of failure of a country, and America is no different. It’s your turn to be educated on each candidate’s position on education.
Both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama agree that education is the centerpiece of the American dream.
Romney on education
‘Even students from the most disadvantaged homes can achieve, something that’s been proven in highly innovative programs around the country. The key to successful schools is providing students with excellent teachers. We must recruit teachers from among our brightest students, pay them well, and provide them with excellent mentors. Accountability and school choice matter.’
What does Romney think of the current state of the education system?
Romney thinks education has, unfortunately, only become a dream and that opportunities are now limited. Despite government spending, our education system is lacking behind other leading nations. He thinks the federal government has neglected and damaged the education system, even making it unaffordable and debt-promising. The Republican candidate says it’s about time that changes, and he wants to be the one to make that change.
What are Obama’s education failures, according to Romney?
He says President Obama has compounded and ignored existing problems in our education system. Despite promises and speeches, he has not acted on his vision of fixing the education system. His approach to education reform is worsening the current broken system.
What will happen to K-12 schools under Romney?
What will happen to K-12 teachers if Romney is president?
What is Romney’s goal when it comes to higher education?
President Obama on education
‘ … a higher education can’t be a luxury — it’s an economic imperative that every American should be able to afford.’
What does Obama think of the current state of the education system?
President Obama wants to reform it so more children and citizens have the opportunity to obtain a higher education. He wants to continue his reform and bettering the overall health of America’s education system.
What does Obama consider his successes when it comes to education?
In the past four years, President Obama has achieved a number of goals when it comes to improving the education system. He has raised education and school standards across the nation and reformed financial aid, making it available to more students. He fought to prevent increased interest rates for federal student loans and capped repayments at 10 percent of income. The president says he has put millions of students in the reach of higher education, and will continue doing so the next four years.
What has Obama done to improve the K-12 education system?
What will happen to K-12 teachers if Obama stays president?
What is Obama’s goal when it comes to higher education?
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