In a dramatic, cinematic experience, director AG Rojas blows our minds with this haunting portrayal of the desensitization of society.
How often do you find yourself re-watching a music video for symbolism?
In a feature Video Static quotes as “sinister,” Purity Ring’s “Lofticries” video highlights the brilliance of a director who puts an incredible amount of thought behind his videos. AG Rojas (the same director for Jack White‘s “Sixteen Saltines”) is the name of this talent, and you’ll want to remember it after the madness you’re about to witness. Marked by gloomy symbolism, you’ll replay it often just to try to catch an element you may have missed.
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice…
We encourage you to watch this video once just to get your bearings. Feel your reactions and try to understand what about it resonated with or disturbed you the most. Then, watch it as many times as you like and pay attention to the minutest of details, because every aspect of this video seems to have an influential factor. The Music Video Critic found a quote direct from Rojas on the inspiration for the video:
“‘Lofticries’ is a music video exploring the stoicism of psychically connected characters confronted by surreal, climactic moments.”
Stoicism? Not being able to tell the difference between pain and pleasure? What you view is a glimpse into how desensitized the characters (and society?) are.
- Initial scene: Woman on bed who appears to have had a miscarriage. Religious items are plastered all over the wall. Man walks in, sees her, walks out — unmoved, unsurprised, with no inclination to help her.
- Aforementioned man fades into a scene with two teen boys playing in a sparse playground with a few old stuffed animals lying about. One boy walks into a fenced-in area and encounters a dead body floating in a dirty, nearly drained pool. He pokes and prods it a bit, but instead of dragging it out or being scared, just walks away.
- Next fade to a rainy scene where a woman walks into an open mechanic’s garage and briefly waits out the rain. The suggestion is that someone is having a sexual encounter in the back of a hearse, and instead of being affected by it, the woman continues on her way. Several internet forums claim that the hearse scene actually is a rape, and the other woman was feet away and felt no compulsion to help.
- Last scene is a cold, white room. The Music Video Critic predicts this to be an asylum setup. People are spread out lifeless, and a woman appears to have a light shining from a swollen belly. We propose this could be because human life is magical and each child has a chance at being the beacon of change and compassion.
What are your thoughts? What do you think has led to the desensitization of the masses? Is it more or less worrisome that it has seeped into children’s minds? Is it video games and movies? Or is it just a progression of life?
If the genius of Guillermo del Toro was refocused into modern-day film, that same cinematic darkness would be the closest thing you could relate this video to. We forewarn you though, because the opening scenes are not for the young or the faint of heart.
Photo courtesy of Sebastian Mlynarski
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