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Tiny Anne Hathaway freaks about her weight

Les Miserables star Anne Hathaway famously lost a bunch of weight to play Fantine in the upcoming adaption. Now, she can’t stop thinking about her weight.

The Buzz – Anne Hathaway Ashamed of Being Thin?
Anne Hatthaway lost 25 pounds for Les Miserables but she admits that body image is always a battle for her.

You’d think someone as successful — and gorgeous — as Anne Hathaway would be confident in every aspect of her life. Well, you’d be wrong.

Hathaway told Glamour in a new cover interview that she obsesses about her weight. “I still feel the stress over ‘Am I thin enough? Am I too thin? Is my body the right shape?'” she admits of her insecurities. She told the magazine for the January issue.

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The 30-year-old famously went on an extreme crash diet of two small squares of oatmeal paste a day to drop the 15 pounds necessary to play dying prostitute Fantine in the upcoming Les Miserables.

“There’s an obsessive quality to it that I thought I would’ve grown out of by now. It’s an ongoing source of shame for me,” she added, saying that being in the spotlight is partly to blame.

“I just think about the ridicule you get if you have an off day,” she says. “If people weren’t watching, I’d be so much more eccentric. I know it makes me sound weak, but rather than make myself happy and wear the silly hat and say, ‘Oh, I don’t care.'”

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So, is it all sadness and gloom in her life? Hardly. She’s newly married to Adam Shulman — and stupidly in love.

“He’s a good man. He’s beyond intelligent. He loves fearlessly. His beliefs are beautiful. He’s my best friend. I love him,” she said. “I just feel that I have the greatest husband in the world for me.”

Hathaway was still getting over her long-term relationship with jailed Italian con man Raffaello Follieri when she met Shulman.

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“I would never have gotten married if it weren’t for him,” she said. “You have to want to be married to someone. You have to feel that reciprocated. Marriage for marriage’s sake doesn’t make any sense to me, and I found someone with whom I could put my money where my mouth is, I guess.”

Image courtesy Ivan Nikolov/

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