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RED HOT BOOK OF THE WEEK: Heads in Beds by Jacob Tomsky

Before you turn on the light switch or lay down on the pillow in your hotel room, I recommend reading Jacob Tomsky’s memoir about what he says really goes on behind the closed doors of the hotel business.

Reading this book is a bit of a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, you are getting valuable information that can help you (make your pay-per-view charges magically disappear).

On the other, you’re getting information that maybe you’d rather remain ignorant about (what the housekeeping staff is really up to when they clean your room).

It’s a little like those documentaries that spotlight certain food industries and leave you never wanting a hamburger again. But when all is said and done, you’ll be glad you read this book because it’s funny, fascinating, and can be a big help to you next time you check in or out of a hotel.

About Heads in Beds

This memoir is a very funny look at hotel life told by an insider who has seen it all. Tomsky has worked valet, housekeeping, and behind the front desk, so he has observed things that go on in all areas of a hotel.

He pulls back the curtain and reveals the code of the bellhops, spills the secrets of the housekeeping staff — and guests — and talks about what really goes on when a valet drives off with your car. (Oh, you don’t want to know, but you need to know!)

You’ll also learn about the darker side of hotel life, including how employees are poorly paid and abused by co-workers and guests.

You’ll also get the scoop on how to upgrade your hotel experience. Haven’t you ever wanted to know how to score an early check-in or a late check-out? Or how to get the pay-per-view charges erased from your bill?

Well, believe it or not, having $20 dollars in your pocket can help quite a bit! And don’t you want to know why you should never be unkind to a member of the hotel staff? Definitely pick up a copy of this book so your luggage is protected!

More reading

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