Ryan Gosling is not exactly a natural-born salesman.
Ryan Gosling is a lot of things: Hot, a knife-seller… and a Girl Scout cookie dealer? Apparently so.
The Gangster Squad actor stopped byJimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday to promote the new film — and Kimmel had to clear something up.
“My friend Daniel and his wife, Diane, said that they were about to get on the freeway in Santa Monica, and you pulled up next to them and handed them several boxes of Girl Scout cookies and then drove off,” Kimmel recalled to the actor. “And as you drove off, Daniel said, ‘I think that was Ryan Gosling,’ and his wife said, ‘Yeah, I think that was Ryan Gosling.'”
“So was that Ryan Gosling?” Kimmel asked.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time,” he admitted. “Yeah, look, I regret it.”
Ryan Gosling and cookies? Sounds like a fantasy we had one time. But, going on…
“When I was a kid, my dad he had side businesses all the time, and somehow — I don’t know how — he came upon a truck full of cellophane… and he wanted me to help him sell it,” Gosling recalled.
He continued:
“I had a fantasy that one day someone would buy all of it. Like some guy would come along and be like, ‘I’ll take it all!’ Which never happened. So I was walking out of Ralph’s one day and these kids were trying to sell their cookies, and I was like, ‘I’ll take ’em all!’ I bought hundreds and hundreds of boxes. I didn’t realize how many boxes I was going to have. I had a car full of them and I didn’t know what to do, so I started throwing them out the window to people on the street.
Don’t celebrate that. At the time I thought, ‘This must be what Santa Claus feels like!’… And then I looked at this one person who was looking at me and I realized, through their eyes I was not Santa Claus — I was just a creepy cookie guy. ‘What happened to the Girl Scouts? What happened to their cookies?'”
Hey Ryan, we’ll take your cookies any time.
Image courtesy WENN.com
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