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Huh? Amy Poehler’s new book is a “non-linear diary

For young women: Amy Poehler is set to release her first book, a “non-linear diary of humor and honesty” with life lessons.

Right now we’re excited for Amy Poehler‘s new book but admittedly confused about its plot. Poehler announced her new book deal this morning, and while most media outlets are reporting on the buzz around Poehler’s long-overdue book, the excitement seems to go hand-in-hand with a general concern over the clarity of its plot.

Amy Poehler’s first book is being described as a “memoir… [with] universal appeal” by the book’s publisher, It Books, a division of Harper Collins.

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It Books released a press statement saying Poehler’s “original twist on the conventional memoir will have universal appeal.” The statement continued, “An illustrated, non-linear diary full of humor and honesty and brimming with true stories, fictional anecdotes and life lessons, the book will be a unique and engaging experience from one of today’s most talented and beloved stars.”

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This description is what has many fans a little hesitant. A non-linear diary? True stories mixed in with fake ones? Sounds like it could be a disaster if not done properly, without much room for error. The good news for Poehler is fans will likely line up to order first-run copies of the yet-to-be-titled memoir.

The financial terms of Amy Poehler’s book deal were not disclosed. It Books says they plan to release Poehler’s memoir in the fall of 2014.

Photo courtesy of LJT Images/

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