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Ke$ha unveils new “docu-series” about her life

Ke$ha’s new “docu-series” will prove once and for all if she really brushes her teeth with a bottle of Jack. You know you’re dying to know.

The Buzz – Kesha to release new docu-series
Kesha will star in a new documentary series.

On Tuesday’s Nikki & Sara LIVE (Don’t worry, we didn’t know this was a show, either), Ke$ha gave the ladies some shockingly bada** news. Her brand-new reality show “docu-series” will premiere on MTV in April!

The show, Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life, was made by her brother, award-winning filmmaker Lagan Sebert. It is, for all intents and purposes, a miniseries that will consist of six half-hour episodes following her two-year journey from a name hardly anyone knew to a superstar who can pack arena-size venues.

Watch as a few hundred fans turn into a few thousand, glittering, sweating maniacs, and stay glued to the TV to watch Ke$ha go from wild child to pop warrior princess with each 30-minute episode.

“You might have heard my voice on the radio, seen me onstage or in a music video, but that’s only a part of the story,” Ke$ha said of the new docu-series. “With this documentary series I’m revealing a more complete picture of what my life is really like. It’s not all glamorous, but it’s all real. I want you to come on a whirlwind journey with an all-access pass to My Crazy Beautiful Life.”

Watch this snippet from the new show:

There’s no way this can be bad, right? Stay tuned to MTV so that sometime in April you can watch Ke$ha live a life like no other: A life where glitter is an acceptable accessory, even after the age of 12. A life where people realistically still wear American flag shirts and jeans cut to the size of underwear. Most important, a life where you get to party with unicorns and James Van Der Douche! A life that is definitely crazy, possibly beautiful, and 100 percent Ke$ha’s.

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