Whitney Houston‘s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown slams her grandmother’s candid book, Remembering Whitney, on Twitter. She thinks it disrespects her late mom.
Bobbi Kristina calls out Cissy for tell all-book.
Bobbi Kristina Brown h8s Remembering Whitney.
The aspiring actress tweeted a pair of messages last week that made clear her disdain for the book, a biography of her late mother Whitney Houston, and the spirit in which it was written.
Using her account @REALbkBrown, she wrote “ANYTHING concerning mygrandmothersBook•I& @nickdgordon OFCOURSE personally haveNOTHING2dowith• I ask youplsRESPECT tht•Haven’t read&won’t.”
She followed that up with “I find it 2B Disrespect2MYMOTHER & me being HERDAUGHTER won’t tolerate it. I LOVEYOUALL for your support though & I thank you immensely••xO!”
So if I can fight my way through the forest of twitterese and grammar abominations, I think I understand that Brown finds the book disrespectful (disrespect is a noun, adding the suffix -ful turns it into an adjective which can then modify the noun “my mother,” ah, nobody’s listening)?
After some on Twitter questioned her decision, Brown continued with “KNOW THE TRUTH . HER…. #Oblivious & #OUTOFLINEWRONG. But it’s all good & nothing but love, MYMOTHER taught ME better than that. (: xO”
One interesting tidbit inadvertently revealed from the Tweet-rage: If Brown is broken up with fiancé/adopted bro Nick Gordon, she sure seems to be linking out to him a lot.
Gordon does the same on his stream. On Jan. 26, he retweeted a tweet from Support Bobbi Kris! that read “#ImSoSickOf people talking crap about @REALbkBrown @nickdgordon & the Houston’s in general, like who are YOU2judge? #HaveASeat”
Whitney gay? Not OK, says Cissy Houston >>
Cissy Houston told Oprah that she’d heard through the family grapevine that Brown was unhappy with the book: “I guess somebody telling her something. I don’t know.”
She then said, “You know how kids are. She’s 19. She thinks she’s old. She thinks she knows everything.”
Houston has said she’s worried about her 19-year-old granddaughter.
“Of course I worry about her,” Houston told People. “Bobbi Kristina is 19, and if you know anything about a 19-year-old, they think they know it all. It doesn’t mean that she is going to follow her [mother’s] same path. She could but anybody could. I don’t want to jinx her. I’m trying to make sure she doesn’t.”
Houston also told People that she doesn’t hear from Bobbi Kristina enough.
“She’s a typical young girl,” she said. “Nobody calls their grandmother. I’m here if she needs anything.”
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