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Bobbi Kristina explodes over grandma’s new book

Whitney Houston‘s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown slams her grandmother’s candid book, Remembering Whitney, on Twitter. She thinks it disrespects her late mom.

The Buzz – Bobbi Kristina Slams Cissy Houston’s Tell-All Book ‘Remembering Whitney’
Bobbi Kristina calls out Cissy for tell all-book.

Bobbi Kristina Brown h8s Remembering Whitney.

The aspiring actress tweeted a pair of messages last week that made clear her disdain for the book, a biography of her late mother Whitney Houston, and the spirit in which it was written.

Using her account @REALbkBrown, she wrote “ANYTHING concerning mygrandmothersBook•I& @nickdgordon OFCOURSE personally haveNOTHING2dowith• I ask youplsRESPECT tht•Haven’t read&won’t.”

She followed that up with “I find it 2B Disrespect2MYMOTHER & me being HERDAUGHTER won’t tolerate it. I LOVEYOUALL for your support though & I thank you immensely••xO!”

So if I can fight my way through the forest of twitterese and grammar abominations, I think I understand that Brown finds the book disrespectful (disrespect is a noun, adding the suffix -ful turns it into an adjective which can then modify the noun “my mother,” ah, nobody’s listening)?

After some on Twitter questioned her decision, Brown continued with “KNOW THE TRUTH . HER…. #Oblivious & #OUTOFLINEWRONG. But it’s all good & nothing but love, MYMOTHER taught ME better than that. (: xO”

One interesting tidbit inadvertently revealed from the Tweet-rage: If Brown is broken up with fiancé/adopted bro Nick Gordon, she sure seems to be linking out to him a lot.

Gordon does the same on his stream. On Jan. 26, he retweeted a tweet from Support Bobbi Kris! that read “#ImSoSickOf people talking crap about @REALbkBrown @nickdgordon & the Houston’s in general, like who are YOU2judge? #HaveASeat”

Whitney gay? Not OK, says Cissy Houston >>

Cissy Houston told Oprah that she’d heard through the family grapevine that Brown was unhappy with the book: “I guess somebody telling her something. I don’t know.”

She then said, “You know how kids are. She’s 19. She thinks she’s old. She thinks she knows everything.”

Houston has said she’s worried about her 19-year-old granddaughter.

“Of course I worry about her,” Houston told People. “Bobbi Kristina is 19, and if you know anything about a 19-year-old, they think they know it all. It doesn’t mean that she is going to follow her [mother’s] same path. She could but anybody could. I don’t want to jinx her. I’m trying to make sure she doesn’t.”

Houston also told People that she doesn’t hear from Bobbi Kristina enough.

“She’s a typical young girl,” she said. “Nobody calls their grandmother. I’m here if she needs anything.”

Image courtesy Michael Carpenter/

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