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Taylor Swift doesn’t chase boys, like, ever

Taylor Swift has gotten a bad reputation for being a bitter ex-girlfriend. But she insists that is all gossip.

The Buzz – I Never Yell and I Don’t Chase Boys
Taylor Swift ellaborates on the nature of her love life.

If Taylor Swift‘s new album is any indication, the singer gets what she wants in a relationship.

“I’m pretty sure we almost broke up last night, I threw my phone across the room at you,” she sings in her new song “Stay Stay Stay” from her album Red.

From that lyric, and many others, people might think that Swift is a tough person to be in a relationship with. But the singer said that’s not the way it really is.

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“I don’t think I’ve ever yelled at an ex-boyfriend. Ever. I’m not a yeller. I’m not a fit thrower,” she says in the new issue of Elle, according to MTV. “If something is done, it’s done.”

The tone of her music about exes, plus the rumor that her performance at the Grammy Awards on Sunday included a dig at ex Harry Styles, makes Swift seem like a bad breaker-upper. But Swift said she likes to be the girl in relationships and lets the boys chase after her.

“I’m sure if I looked up the latest Google Alerts rumor, it would say I’m chasing somebody who doesn’t like me as much as I like him — people love that angle on me,” she said. “They’re like ‘Oh Taylor, coming on too strong again, chasing boys.’ I never chase boys. They don’t like it!”

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Swift also seems to be defending her songs, since she is getting a reputation for writing about every bad relationship she has had. But she wants people to know why she does it.

“To me, it’s just writing songs the way I always have. It’s me sitting on my bed feeling pain I didn’t understand, writing a song, and understanding it better,” Swift said. “If people want to dissect the lyrics, that’s their right, but it’s all coming from the exact same place as where I started. It’s just something I do to feel better.”

Swift’s cover issue of Elle will be out on Feb. 19.

Photo courtesy of Adriana M. Barraza/

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