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Matt Damon goes on a potty strike for clean water

Matt Damon is making clean water priority number one by refusing to go number one — or number two, for that matter.

The Buzz – Matt Damon Is On A Toilet Strike
Matt Damon continues his philanthropic work.

Matt Damon is taking a stand for clean water by refusing to sit on a toilet.

The Promised Land actor released a comedic video today, staging a press conference to say he will not be going to the bathroom at all to raise awareness for the 780 million people around the world who lack access to a basic health need most of us take for granted.

“In protest of this global tragedy, until this issue is resolved, until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, I will not go to the bathroom,” he declared.

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“Does anybody have any idea what invention has saved more lives than any other in the history of humankind? The toilet,” Damon said in the video. “More people have cell phones than toilets.”

The actor, who is the co-founder of nonprofit, hopes to use the comedic video to launch a viral campaign to draw attention to this very serious issue. 3.4 million people die of a water-related disease each year, and lack of clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every four hours, according to UNICEF. strives to aid communities in developing countries solve their own water crises with solutions tailored to the needs of that community.

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“We believe people in developing countries know best how to solve their own problems,” says a statement on the group’s website. “That’s why we forge partnerships with carefully-screened, indigenous partner organizations that understand, and are part of, the local culture. The result: a solution tailored to the needs of each community, instead of a technological fix the community has no way of maintaining.”

Watch Matt Damon’s potty announcement:

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