The actor has been in Hollywood for a long time, and although he has made some interesting choices, he doesn’t regret any of them.
Hugh Jackman is one of the mysteries of Hollywood. He is an actor who can sing, dance and play a superhero, without even breaking a sweat. But because he can do all those things, his sexuality has long been the speculation of rumors. His wife of 16 years has started to get upset about it, he said.
“Just recently, it bugs her,” Jackman, 44, told the Hollywood Reporter in a recent interview. “She goes: ‘It’s big. It’s everywhere!'”
The actor has worked hard not to typecast himself, in any way. He has turned down roles because he felt he wasn’t the right person, even though they would have been great opportunities for him.
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“Jackman opened up about some of the parts that could have been his over the years,” said E! News.
“First and foremost, he said he was offered Richard Gere‘s Oscar-nominated role in Chicago but rejected it because he felt he was too young. And Hugh also withdrew his name from consideration to play James Bond because he didn’t want to be stereotyped as an action man after already earning fame as Wolverine in the first X-Men flick.”
He told the Hollywood Reporter that he felt that last one would have been a bad move at that point in his career.
“I thought it would box me in too much,” Jackman told the trade publication. “My natural instinct is to keep as many doors open as possible.”
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The actor just wants to be home now, or at least working close to home. After Les Misérables, his life became centered around his family. Jackman and his wife have two children, Oscar, 12, and Ava, 7.
“I told my agent, After Days of Future Past, I need to be home [in New York’s West Village],'” Jackman told THR.
He added that he wants to support his children. Jackman is up for an Oscar at the Academy Awards on Feb. 24.
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