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Biggest Loser‘s Gina McDonald faces her fears

Gina overcomes a tough obstacle and learns to leave negative thoughts behind during “Face Your Fears Week” on NBC’s The Biggest Loser.

Gina McDonald Blogs

Gina faces her fears

Gina overcomes a tough obstacle and learns to leave negative thoughts behind during “Face Your Fears Week” on NBC’s The Biggest Loser.
Week 9 of NBC’s Biggest Loser was “Face Your Fears Week”. Little did we know that as soon as the lights dimmed from Week 8’s weigh-in would we all be faced with our worst fear: leaving the ranch!

Our pop challenge is to help each other by stacking 25-pound cinder blocks over pictures of the remaining contestants. The last face still showing leaves the ranch. Lucky for me, Jackson leads the others to save me and basically volunteers to leave himself. Trust me, I knew all of the contestants wanted it to be me, and I couldn’t blame them. I had come off a very emotional week and they were all ready to see me leave.

In the end, Jackson, and Jeff, who volunteers to leave also, face the worst fear of all: life off the ranch.

I promise Jackson that I will not let him down and that I will work on things in the coming week. And I prove I am a woman of my word: The past week was the past and I’d learned so much about myself. It’s time to put it into practice.

Biggest Loser‘s Gina McDonald blogs: My experience so far>>

After a workout with Jillian, I finally come to terms with some of the actions, reactions and choices I’ve made in my life — choices that have led me down a very negative and toxic road. I learn so much about myself this week.

My fear is being in small spaces. Well, time to face that fear and a few other issues I’m just discovering.

Being put in a coffin — yes, a coffin — for twenty minutes was life-changing. The act of climbing into the coffin symbolized so much more than a fear of small spaces. It symbolized the death of past relationships because of my actions, my choices. I finally begin to realize the mistakes I’ve made and I emerge with new hope and energy. I understand that I have not been willing to push through obstacles and disappointments in life. I’ve been choosing what I believe is the easy way: running away. I am so lucky to learn that it is the road less traveled, the obstacles in life that make our lives enriched and blessed. I’m forever grateful to Jillian for seeing this in me and helping me to not only see it, but begin to make a change.

As a group our next challenge is to face a fear of heights. Lucky for me I’m not afraid of heights! As soon as I see the challenge I know it’s mine to win. I finally know and believe that I can make a choice to stick this out. Through the pain, I know I can do it! I see the power of positive thinking and belief in myself really working. I win after hanging on for over 20 minutes, all while chanting like a crazy woman, “Pain is temporary, quitting is forever!” Never a truer statement for my time on the ranch. I am not a quitter and I’m determined more than ever to prove this to the most important person: Me!

Two example of how 20 minutes can change your life: I win immunity, but more than anything, I won my life back in those 20 minutes. I am finally becoming the person I’ve always dreamed of: strong, confident, positive and filled with joy for living.

Thank you, Biggest Loser, for letting me have these beautiful life-changing moments. My life will never be the same!

I am so excited to share the remaining weeks with you!

More about The Biggest Loser

Biggest Loser‘s Gina McDonald steps out of her comfort zone
Biggest Loser‘s Gina McDonald faces her toughest week
Biggest Loser‘s Gina McDonald “in the middle of the drama”

Photo credit: NBC

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