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Jon Hamm forced to put his package away by AMC

Jon Hamm is being forced to wear underwear by AMC after years of being able to swing freely in the breeze.

The revealing performances of Mad Men‘s Jon Hamm are causing quite a stir on set — so much so that a wardrobe adjustment is in order. The actor is known for letting it all hang out both on- and off-camera, but now he is being forced to wrap it up due to the more revealing pant cuts of the new decade.

“This season takes place in the 1960s, where the pants are very tight and leave little to the imagination,” a source later high-fived by Hamm told the New York Daily News. “Jon’s impressive anatomy is so distracting that they politely insisted on underwear.”

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Christina Hendricks isn’t the only cast member with ample blessings, it seems.

“Imagine how distracting that would be on the side of a bus or building,” said the source. “When the promotional pictures came back the first few seasons, we had to work with them. Everyone was concerned about too much Christina Hendricks boob, but it’s Jon that has the most to show. It’s a good problem to have.”

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“His privates are the inside joke… [he] knows what he’s got.”

Hamm’s rep pretended this isn’t the best PR ever and feigned indignation, telling the Daily News, “It is ridiculous and not really funny at all. I’d appreciate you taking the high road and not resorting to something childish like this that’s been blogged about 1,000 times.”

Mad Men returns to AMC with a two-hour season premiere on Sunday, April 7, on AMC.

Image courtesy Brian To/

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