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New Star Trek Into Darkness international trailer takes us on a manhunt

Manhunt alert! J.J. Abrams launches his latest Star Trek brainchild Star Trek Into Darkness in IMAX 3D on May 15 and in theaters May 17. Check out the new trailer!

All you Star Trek glorified geeks, it’s time to get your costumes ready to for the newly release sneak peek of the Star Trek Into Darknesstrailer. No nerd judgment here. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto are pretty hot, even when they are playing Star Trek characters, a usual rule of thumb to avoid when selecting guys to date.

Nerdiness has reached a whole new level of cool. Although, I think it’s time Spock updated his hairstyle. What about a mo-hawk called Spock’s Hawk? I guess we might as well get use to seeing a lot more black mock turtlenecks. But let’s not get off trek on our track here. While it may have seemed like light years since the last Star Trek, directed by J.J. Abrams, debuted in 2009, this hot new clip is well worth the wait.

Yes, it seems just as you would expect. Action, adventure, love and betrayal as Cap’n Kirk is on the defense to protect his only Enterprise family in the state of crisis. He is on a manhunt against the villain Khan, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, who is the crew’s own top agent. If only I could make a dooming sound effect here. He seems to have some kind of grudge or bone to pick against the star busters. What sane person says, “I will walk over your cold corpses?”

Zoe Saldana is back as Nyota Uhura to try and steer these spacemen back on track, claiming they are both outgunned and outnumbered. What about some good old fashion muscle guns for manpower? She’ll have to try harder to be convincing if Alice Eve’s character Dr. Carol Marcus keeps distracting men by flashing them with her leather underwear (at least it matches). Good luck Capn’ Kirk. I look forward to seeing how you navigate your team out of this pickle.

Judging by the trailer, Kirk is not afraid of parallel parking that spaceship-like saucer into tiny spaces. However, I’d still join him on a “manhunt” any day!

SheKnows more about the sexy spacemen in the new Star Trek Into Darkness >>

The movie will be in select theaters on IMAX 3D on May 15 and in theaters everywhere May 17.

Photo credit: Paramount Pictures

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