Disconnect, a cautionary tale about the dangers of the internet, opens against the Jackie Robinson biopic, 42. While Disconnect questions our cyber-addicted families, 42 tells the story of an American hero. Which one should you see? Tough call!
Jason Bateman stars in this poignant film that depicts the worst-case scenario of internet fraud, identity theft and teen cyberbullying.
Three storylines interconnect that may scare you into canceling your Facebook account. This movie is a frightening examination of our national addiction to social media and why giving up our privacy online could be a very bad thing.
Here’s what some other gals thought:
Elizabeth Weitzman of NYDailynews.com said, “Their job, as defined by the filmmakers, is thus: to shake viewers out of complacency, and remind us that these disconcerting stories might just as well be ours.”
Amy Nicholson of the Los Angeles Times said, “Humans are forever prone to disaster, iPads just pave the way. His attack sounds one-note, but it’s the fallout that holds our interest as morality isn’t as binary as 1s and 0s. Alas, the flick can’t resist overheating.”
Claudia Puig of USA Today said, “Characters are richly drawn and relatable, though at times stories teeter on melodrama. The overall effect, however, is powerful.”
You can read my full review here:
Disconnect movie review: Facebook is not your friend >>
Harrison Ford plays legendary Brooklyn Dodgers general manager Branch Rickey, and Chadwick Boseman plays the iconic Jackie Robinson, in this true story about two men who broke the color barrier in one of America’s oldest traditions — baseball.
This movie is inspirational and well acted, even if the script is a bit clunky.
Check out these reviews from other women:
Susan Granger of SusanGranger.com said, “An inspiring reminder that we need real-world heroes to expand the limits of our own aspirations.”
Nell Minow of Beliefnet.com said, “It is solidly entertaining, delivering all of the expected notes, and if it seems heavy-handed to anyone old enough to remember a time before the Montgomery bus boycott and the passage of the Civil Rights Act, it is perhaps understandable that Hollywood does not take for granted that younger audience members remember there was once a time when segregation was not only legal; it was the law.”
Dana Stevens of Slate said, “By burnishing Jackie Robinson’s legend to such an unnaturally high polish, 42 does Robinson the man (and the actor who plays him, the relative newcomer Chadwick Boseman) a disservice.”
But you can always read my full review:
42 movie review: Brave souls steal bases >>
The SheKnows movie winner of the week is 42 for its inspirational portrayal of two real-life heroes.
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