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Secrets revealed: How to get picked on The Biggest Loser


Think you have what it takes to become a contestant on The Biggest Loser? Well, it isn’t as easy as one might think! Luckily, three past contestants share their secrets to making the cut.

Past contestants
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Up first, Danni Allen, winner of Season 14. Take it away, Danni!

SheKnows: What was the audition process like? What did you have to do?

Danni Allen: The audition process was the most nerve-wracking thing I’ve ever done! Waiting in line for eight hours at the open call was the easy part. Making the video, filling out paperwork, local interviews and then the interviews in L.A. — this is a long process, but beyond worth it. Even if I hadn’t made the show after all that work, I learned so much about myself. The audition process is truly a discovery process.

SK: What was the most nerve-wracking part of the audition process?

DA: I think the most nerve-wracking part of the audition process was making my “at home video.” This is where, for the first time, I really exposed and admitted to myself that my weight was a problem, and I wasn’t okay with the way I looked and felt.

SK: What advice do you have for women who want to audition?

DA: As simple as it sounds, be yourself. Do not say what you think they want to hear, and be honest. It was hard for me to admit things like, “I would avoid the mirror when I got out of the shower.” Also, really think about what this process would be for you. It’s more than just losing the weight; it’s about finding who you really are.

SK: If cast, what are three things people should know about participating on the show?

DA: 1. Point blank, this will be the hardest thing you will go through, physically, mentally and emotionally. Get it in your head before that you will not give up or quit! The hardest part is in the beginning; you will get stronger and really start to find yourself.

2. Give yourself goals before getting to the Ranch. Set yourself up for success! Beyond the weight loss, what are you looking to discover? Answer, “Why are you fat?” (This was the hardest question Jillian asked me.)

3. Prepare yourself to do it alone. Remember, you are cut off from the world. No phones, TV, internet, etc. This will allow you to really focus on yourself. Oh, and bring a lot of books!

Weight-loss help from The Biggest Loser >>

Photo credit: Trae Patton/NBC

Up next: Ali Vincent, winner of Season 5 >>

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