Alexandra Stoddard’s The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters is a book of inspirational advice as well as a celebration of what we can learn from the women in our lives.
Known for her Things I Want My Daughters to Know, Alexandra Stoddard is a lifestyle philosopher and the author of more than 25 books on personal fulfillment and contemporary living. Her latest book, The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters: The Timelessness of Simple Truths looks at the wisdom that comes with motherhood and the things we can learn from the women in our lives.
About The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters
Everyone we meet has something to teach us — our children and mothers perhaps even more than most others. As the author of a book that looks at the mother-daughter relationship from the perspective of what mothers want to teach their daughters, Alexandra Stoddard has been thinking about this incredibly important — and occasionally fraught — relationship. As such, she has incredible insight to bring to the question of what mothers and daughters can teach one another.
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Subtitled The Timelessness of Simple Truths, The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters is a slim volume, idea for placement on a coffee table or in a purse, to be picked up and ingested a bit at a time. It is comprised of 24 small chapters, bits of advice and subjects about which Stoddard has thought deeply. Each is personalized with one or more anecdotes about Stoddard and her family, particularly her two daughters and their children. Many also include snippets of conversations or letters Stoddard has exchanged with friends. Topics range from cultivating pleasure in your everyday life to appreciating the beauty of nature, and from what to look for in a spouse to what to work on in a marriage.
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The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters is a smart and meaningful book that is best when shared with one of the women in your life who means the most to you, be she mother, daughter, an in-law or someone to whom you have no family ties but who has nevertheless treated you like family. And incidentally, it would make a wonderful last-minute Mother’s Day gift for those of you who may still need to purchase one. If you do end up giving this book — whether for Mother’s Day or a birthday or other special occasion — take some time to peruse it, and inscribe it with your own memories or bits of wisdom for an extra-special gift.
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