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Jodi Arias: Guilty of first degree murder

Jodi Arias was found guilty of first-degree premeditated murder on Wednesday for killing her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander, in 2008.

It’s judgment day for Jodi Arias.

After a long and unbelievable trial, Arias was found guilty of first-degree, premeditated murder in the June 2008 death of her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Travis Alexander. The Arizona man was discovered shot, stabbed 27 times and nearly decapitated in his shower on June 9, 2008 — several days after he went missing.

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Arias was arrested soon after Alexander’s death. She originally pleaded not guilty to the crime, telling Inside Edition that she was innocent and “No jury will convict me and you can mark my words on that.”

“I witnessed Travis being attacked by two other individuals. Who were they? I don’t know.”

“I understand all the evidence is really compelling,” she said in the interview. “In a nutshell, two people came in and killed Travis. I’ve never even shot a gun. That’s heinous. I can’t imagine slitting anyone’s throat.”

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Eventually, Arias changed her tune and admitted to killing her boyfriend in his Mesa, Ariz., home, claiming it was self-defense against an abusive and sexually deviant Alexander.

The prosecutors didn’t buy it — or her post-traumatic stress disorder defense.

“This is not a case of whodunit,” prosecutor Juan Martinez told the court on Jan. 2. “The whodunit sits in court today … “She rewarded [his] love by sticking a knife in his chest. She slit his throat as a reward for being a good man.”

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The sentencing portion of Jodi Arias’ trial will start on Thursday. She faces the death penalty.

Tell us: Were you surprised by the Jodi Arias trial verdict?

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