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Ivanka Trump: Every mom’s a working mom

Pregnant with baby No. 2, Ivanka Trump sits down to talk about what having it all really means.

Ivanka Trump doesn’t like to differentiate between stay-at-home moms and moms who work outside the home, because every single one of them works hard. The reality star and business mogul, currently pregnant with baby No. 2, says that having it all is relative and the right work-life balance is all about prioritizing and staying in the moment.

“I feel very passionate about this — I hate the title ‘working mom’ because I think every woman’s a working mom by definition,” she told the Daily Mail.

“Having it all is relative. There are a lot of people whom one would assume have it all and are deeply unhappy, and there are a lot of people whom one would think have very little and they’re very content.

“With that said, balance is one of those things we always strive for, but it’s… hard to accomplish because you would need a crystal ball to know what life’s going to throw at you.”

So how does she do it? After all, she successfully balances her fashion and jewelry lines with her marriage to New York Observer publisher Jared Kushner and daughter Arabella.

“I try to think about a good priority structure,” Trump explained. “At the end of each day I think to myself, ‘Did I make the right decisions in the day that just passed? Was I there for Arabella when she needed me?’ and ‘Was I at work when I could be at work?’

“I think it does make me a better mother to really pursue my other passions and I think it elevates the quality of the time I do spend with her. But really every day is just making sure I do have the right priorities and I’m doing the right thing by my family and my work as well.”

But make no mistake: It’s never easy.

“I’m working in the middle of the night because I want to have dinner with her and not be working and then you’re always nervous, always thinking, always planning logistics,” Trump said.

“I joke with my husband that I’m more exhausted on a Monday morning after a weekend off than I am on a Friday night coming home from a week at the office. It’s not that work is un-challenging. It’s really hard being at home and it’s really hard being a primary caregiver.”

Something every mom can relate to!

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