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Kim Kardashian Twitter rants about “scary” paparazzi

Kim Kardashain is not only mad at paparazzi photographers she claims threatened her, she’s scared! Read the pregnant star’s heated words here.

Kim Kardashian has taken to Twitter to lash out at the paparazzi, claiming they threatened her because she didn’t allow her picture to be taken for one single day.

The reality star, due to give birth to her and Kanye West’s daughter in July, vented Thursday, “I wouldn’t let the paps get a pic of me today & they threatened my life & said if I continue to block shots then they will make my world dangerous to live in!

“How dare they threaten my life & my unborn child! This has gotten way out of control!”

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“Yesterday 4 cars boxed me in,” Kim Kardashian continued, giving an example of the unsafe tactics photographers use.

“One in front, behind, & one on each side just to have me drive at their speed so they can snap through the window. Its really so scary what they are legally allowed to get away with!”

“For years I’ve always been so gracious,” she went on. “Every shot they take now just isn’t flattering & crazy stories get made up, so why would I willingly just let them stalk me & smile for them? Let me enjoy this last month of pregnancy please without threats & being scared to leave my home due to what dangerous thing they just threatened to do to me.”

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The mom to be then asked, “What will it take for there to be laws put in place to prevent this behavior?”

Admitting that in some ways she’s invited the public into her private life, Kim Kardashian added, “I get I live a public life. I live my life on a reality show for the world to see. I love my life, but when the cameras stop, that doesn’t mean I don’t want a break too. I’m 32 yrs old now, about to be a mom. I’m not 25 clubbing around LA anymore. There’s no excuse for threats & stalking!”

Do you think the paparazzi should give pregnant Kim Kardashian a break?

Image via WENN

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