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14 Celebrity Do-Gooders We Would Like to Thank This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful to our family and friends, but it’s also a time to reach out to others who have done great work this year. With an incredible amount of political activism and celebrity charity going on in Hollywood, we thought it would be a great time to thank these 14 celebrities who are not only talking the talk, they are walking the walk.

From powerful couples like Chrissy Teigen and John Legend to rising celebrities like Constance Wu, the level of awareness about representation, charitable causes and equal pay is at an all-time high. These celebs are using their voices for good and using their power to lift others up.

It’s something we can all do in our daily lives — help others, campaign for a candidate we believe in or simply donate money to aid those in need. These celebrities are leading the way for future Hollywood generations.

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