Joffrey was the most villainous Game of Thrones character imaginable, but Ramsay Bolton might be about to steal his title — not as king but as most evil. Here’s why Ramsay is giving Joffrey a serious run for his money.
Mommy’s boy
If anyone could get Joffrey in line, it was Cersei, but even she struggled once he became king. Still, Joffrey loved his mother, and she loved him as only a mother (or any person on the planet) could.
Daddy’s boy
Ramsay has spent his whole life trying to impress his father, and he’s trying even now, what with that new baby on the way. It’s less out of love and more for a desire of power, which probably makes him even more volatile.
Kills/Tortures ladies
Joffrey was too young to be raping women though that surely would have come in time. Instead, he appeared to enjoy torturing them much more, whether that be public humiliation or something much more sadistic.
Rapes women
As we saw in tonight’s episode of the show, Ramsay is much more open to forcing women to be with him. His girlfriend Myranda suggested she might get married when he marries Sansa, and Ramsay didn’t take that suggestion well. At all. It was super cringeworthy.
Wants to be king
Joffrey loved his power and was hungry to keep it all to himself. We all wanted to smack that smug look of self-righteousness off his face every time he sat on the iron throne.
Wants Winterfell
Both Ramsay and Joffrey wanted as much power as they could get. In Ramsay’s case, that means being the rightful heir to Winterfell. And he’ll do anything to keep that position secure.
Tortures anyone he can
Even Joffrey’s family wasn’t immune to his particularly brutal kind of humiliation and public torture. No one escaped Joffrey’s miserable, bullying wrath.
Tortures Theon
Ramsay tried to tell Sansa he tortured and debased Theon because he was so upset Theon had killed the Stark boys, but Sansa didn’t seem to buy it, and we definitely don’t. He had a sick psychopath inside of him that escapes at any chance, let’s be real. Theon just happened to get the brunt of it.
Pleasure out of pain
Joffrey got a twisted thrill out of hurting anything living, animals but especially humans. He was well on his way to becoming a historic serial killer of epic proportions. His lack of empathy was just as messed up as that of the worst criminals in history.
Pleasure out of torture
Where Joffrey likes pain, Ramsay is more of a torture guy. Ramsay is much more calculating and psychological in his approach to ruining people. He’s smarter than Joffrey, which makes him that much more dangerous.
Ruins Sansa’s life
It all started on a downhill for Sansa back in Season 1 when Joffrey has her dire wolf, Lady, killed. After that, the fairy tale was over. By the time he ordered Ned Stark’s head off, going against his word, we knew he was the absolute worst.
Crushes Sansa’s hope
Sansa just can’t catch a break. Especially in the men department. She realizes right when Ramsay forces Theon to apologize that she’s gone from a bad situation to, quite possibly, a worse one.
Got what he deserved
After Joffrey had killed Ned Stark in Season 1, he had to go. Of course, it took a few years for the show to jump on board but we eventually got that glorious death we waited for. (Never did I think I would sound so vicious, even toward a fictional character, but let’s just agree Joffrey just brings out the worst in us all.)
To be continued…
No TV villain’s death in history was as epic as Joffrey’s demise. But we have to believe if Joffrey got what he deserved ultimately that Ramsay will as well. At least, he’d better.
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