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These Celebrities Have All Mastered Multiple Languages

As someone who grew up in a bilingual household, I know the importance of learning different languages. In addition to being able to communicate with different people, you open yourself up to opportunities, and you change how you see the world (in addition to sometimes being able to gossip without anyone knowing what you’re saying, of course).

And, as it turns out, many stars are just like me and grew up speaking more than one language as well. Ben Affleck, for example, goes viral every once in a while when an interview of him speaking Spanish finds itself on social media. The Air actor and director, who moved to Mexico for a year when he was just 13 years old, speaks so well in the language it’s close to fluent. And, knowing his wifeJennifer Lopez is Puerto Rican, we’re left wondering what language that family speaks at home. Maybe a mix of both?

Other stars, like Sandra Bullock, Mila Kunis and Rita Ora, grew up with other languages besides English in their homes since they were born. Did someone say two first languages? We sure think so!

Check out some of our favorite multi-lingual celebs below!



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