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9 Best Fiction Books To Read if You’re an Empty Nester Missing Your Grown-up Kids

After overcoming the baby phase, the toddler phase, the teenage years, and everything in between, there’s one important step for parents that’s not as widely talked about: becoming an empty nester. After all, when kids leave their parent’s home to go off to college or find a place for themselves, nothing feels as daunting as being completely childless at home, whether you’re alone or not.

We became empty nesters,Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark Consuelos once shared on Live with Kelly and Ryan. “We took our youngest son to college, we dropped him off. It was hard. It was really hard.”

So, whether you’re preparing to be an empty nester soon or have been one for a while, you know that it won’t be an easy process. And, in case you’re looking for something to either inspire you or distract you from your feelings, look no further than the list of books below.

In our round-up, you’ll find fictional stories of other empty nesters and the freeing, adventurous, and sometimes even thrilling stories they became a part of since their kids left the nest. After all, who said being an empty nester couldn’t be interesting, fun, or totally book-worthy?

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