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8 of Taylor Swift’s Romances That Have Never Been Confirmed or Denied

From the early 2010s until she got into her long-term relationship with Joe Alwyn, Taylor Swift was pegged with the rather dumb identifier of being “boy crazy.” Swift is a young woman who is consenting, and can date whoever she wants, and for years people vilified her for it. Which, let’s face it, is beyond dumb. In recent years, Swift has been more open about her current relationship with Travis Kelce and her past relationships. However, there are quite a few romances that long-time fans remember that she has never commented on.

Now, we know about Harry Styles and Jake Gyllenhaal and the messy aftermath of those breakups, but what about the ones that were in a couple of headlines and then straight up disappeared?! Neither party has commented on them, and Swift has never mentioned these alleged partners since.

But fans have wondered, which ones fall into this category of unconfirmed romancer? Well, we have quite a few you may have forgotten about.

Something to keep in mind is that neither Swift nor these men have publicly confirmed, denied, or even commented on the alleged romance.

Below, see Swift’s alleged romances that have never been confirmed or denied.

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