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15 Co-Star Couples You Probably Forgot Dated in Real Life

If we know a few things about Hollywood, one truth will always be that co-stars will often fall in love with each other. After all, it’s no wonder all three Spider-Mans Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland ended up dating their onscreen love interests Kirsten Dunst, Emma Stone and Zendaya, respectively. It’s how the Hollywood world works, you know?

Something about those long filming days and all that onscreen chemistry often seems to draw actors to one another offscreen too. While the intensity of those emotions has led some beloved onscreen couples to reportedly hate each other in real life — and yes, we have a list of those people too — others have been unable to resist falling for one another offscreen. Some of the most famous couples in Hollywood even started as workplace affairs — we could all name some examples — but other romances managed to slip totally under the radar.

Whether it is because their short-lived romance barely got off the ground or because these stars managed to keep things almost entirely under wraps, several flings between Hollywood stars seem like a distant memory. From Brittany Murphy’s romance with Ashton Kutcher or Carrie Fisher’s 3-month scandalous affair with Harrison Ford during Star Wars, there are plenty of co-star couples out there that don’t get the attention they deserve.

So, in honor of these surprising and potentially eyebrow-raising pairings, take a stroll down memory lane and refresh your memory on some of the co-star couples we think you may have forgotten below!

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