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12 Celebrity Relationships That Fans Think Were Faked for PR

What’s the wonderful world of Hollywood, where celebrity couples make up and break up every other day, it’s no wonder so many people think that a good majority of celebrity couples are just fabricated. Now, we’re not talking about the conspiracy theories that couples who have been married in Hollywood for over 20 years are PR stunts. No, We’re going to talk about a specific number of couples in Hollywood where the timing was so strange, that many are truly convinced it was made up for one reason or another.

Before we get into that, though, what is a PR stunt, specifically a PR relationship in Hollywood? PR stunts are used to gain eyeballs, media interaction, and even sales for a project. Basically, something happens, and everyone’s eyes are on a person or brand. One of the biggest conspiracy theories in Hollywood is that there is a slew of PR relationships, meaning that there are relationships in Hollywood that people think big executives made up to sell tickets to a movie, raise people’s careers, or more.

As we said, many think that nearly all relationships in Hollywood are fake, but that’s not the case. Quite a few celebrity couples have admitted that their relationships were fabricated for one reason or another, but we’re also going to talk about the ones that nearly everyone is convinced were fake.

For instance, we’re going to talk about throwback couples like Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson or Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron, who dated entirely through the movie series they were a part of and broke up inconspicuously days or months after it wrapped up.

Hollywood is full of secrets and mysteries, so why not dive into what fans believe to be some of the fakest relationships in Hollywood?

Below see which celebrity couples have fans convinced were a PR stunt, along with some that were definitely confirmed as such:

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