You call dating courting. Did I say dating? I meant courting. Sinners date, Duggars court.
When to court
You start courting only when you’re ready to get married. Look up casual dating in the Duggar dictionary. Psych! You can’t; they ripped that page out. The last three Duggars to court – Josh, Jill, Jessa – have all married their courters.
One or none
You can court only one person at a time. There’s no such thing as a commitment-phobic Duggar. You’re either all in or you’re a spinster. Think of courting like an engagement that moved very, very quickly.
Dad’s permission
Jim Bob Duggar has to approve your suitor. No one swipes right without Jim Bob Duggar’s say so. The father of 19 has the ultimate say when it comes to who his kids court. Don’t bother applying if you’re not a Christian virgin.
You must bring a chaperone on all your courting dates. Just in case you get the urge to do anything crazy, like hold hands or knock knees, or heaven forbid, kiss. Chaperones can range from parents all the way down to the younger Duggar kids.
Side hug
You can only side-hug the person you’re courting. That is exactly what it sounds like. Front hugs are way too risqué for an unmarried couple. One time, Jill accidentally front-hugged Duggar before marriage, and it was a BIG deal. Like such a big deal, we know about it.
Holding hands
You can get more physical once you’re engaged. And by more physical, I do mean that Duggars are allowed to start holding hands once they’re officially committed. And you haven’t seen sensual hand-holding until you’ve seen engaged Duggars hold hands.
You’re allowed to have sex on your wedding night. Finally.
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