Lady Gaga addressed Yale students as part of the Emotion Revolution, and these are her best quotes.
Our inner heroes
We've all felt victimized at some point, but Gaga reminds us that we can be our own heroes.
The importance of emotion
Emotions are more than emojis, you guys. [Insert Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration emoji.]
The sum of her parts
The danger with putting people in a box is that most of us, Gaga included, don't fit into just one.
Time to unplug
At the very least, look up and into the eyes of the person speaking with you — your phone won't mind.
On solidarity
You are me. I am you. Gaga is all of us. The bottom line? We're all in this together.
Setting a standard of decency
When did it become OK — cool even — to be cruel? Gaga stresses the need for decency and kindness.
The end of trolling
Enough with the hateful commentary already! Here's looking at you, keyboard warriors.
Breaking the mold
It's high time we begin embracing one another's differences. Most movers and shakers are slightly off-center.
Words matter
People may not tweet, points out Gaga, but they won't likely forget the way hateful barbs made them feel.
Pain is part of the process
It's inevitable that kids will feel pain, so we must do a better job of giving them a sounding board for that hurt.
Pay attention
Turning a deaf ear to others in need doesn't just hurt them; it hurts all of us, ultimately.
Self-acceptance is key
Gaga pointed out that for all her fame, she was never truly happy until she accepted herself.
Say something
Pop culture breeds apathy, Gaga argues, and it's time for us to feel again.
Lack of communication
"We are unconsciously communicating lies." Yep. This needs to change, like, yesterday.
You are in control
If nothing else, remember this: You are the star of your own life. You have the right to do things your way.
Caring is cool
We have to find a way to make it cool to feel again. Caring is cool, people… pass it along.
There’s beauty in being different
We shouldn't shun each other for our differences but, rather, celebrate each other for them.
Born this way
You are who you are — you were born this way — and who you are is beautiful.
The power in our words
There is great power in worlds to do both good and evil. Choose to do good.
Life lessons
The greatest lesson a person can learn is that of compassion. You never know what someone else is going through.
The revolution
The time for complacency is certainly not now — rather, it's time to start a revolution of niceness.
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