Get to know a little more about the 28 women who hope to become Mrs. Ben Higgins.
Amanda likes to hike to waterfalls during thunderstorms. She also enjoys Nutella and peanut butter.
Amber wants to work in a zoo and still sleeps with her teddy bear.
Becca would love to be a dolphin and is afraid to clog a toilet because of “stomach issues.”
Breanne loves confident, strong women and believes in valuing herself above all else.
Caila has a secret tattoo and studied abroad in Germany while waitressing to pay her way.
Emily once peed her pants in front of her entire high school cheerleading team.
Haley can’t live without her spray tan, and her greatest accomplishment is working at a nightclub.
Isabel “Izzy”
Izzy hates to read and wants to own her own graphic design studio one day.
Jackie regrets nothing in her life and can’t live without her Bible or stuffed giraffe.
Jami consideres herself an “inexperienced lover” and believes wrinkles are a good thing.
Jennifer wants to tan nude at a beach and have lunch with Amy Schumer.
Jessica is a romantic genius who would love to be Robin Hood in her next life.
Joelle “JoJo”
In a perfect world, JoJo would enjoy a meal of pizza and wine with her grandmother and Jesus.
Jubilee loves to have a little Ménage à Trois wine in her bed on a Saturday night.
Lace is not afraid to leave a date hanging when they are too into themselves.
Laura would rob a casino so she would have something to chat about with George Clooney and Brad Pitt.
Lauren Barr “LB”
LB loves to travel and regrets joining a sorority in college.
Lauren B
Lauren B wears her heart on her sleeve, is a great cook and loves mimosas.
Lauren H
Lauren H went tubing through glowworm caves in New Zealand.
Lauren R
Lauren R loves all the Harry Potter movies and calls Michelangelo a “talented weirdo.”
Leah has dove tattoos she is trying to get removed and would love to be Ariel, the Disney mermaid.
Maegan is a country girl who loves to barbecue and admits that she is a little OCD.
Mandi believes her legs are one of her best features and would love to be a free-range chicken.
Olivia is proud to say that she is scared of nothing and that she is never embarrassed.
Rachel loves spending time with her family and is afraid of never settling down.
Samantha was in the top 20 percent of her class in law school and must have her parents’ approval on men.
Shushanna is a country girl living in the city who is deathly afraid of bed bugs.
Tiara can’t live without her chickens and loves to be the center of attention.
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