Here are 12 celebrities who support their kids, no matter how they define their sexuality.
About her young son, Angelo, Adele told Time magazine, “I can’t wait to know who his best friends are going to be, who his girlfriend or his boyfriend is going to be or what movies he likes… Whatever my kid wants to do or be I will always support him no matter what.”
Kelly Clarkson
Clarkson told ET that if she found out one of her kids were gay, “I’d be like, ‘Awesome! When do we meet him or her?’ I just hope [River Rose] finds love. It took me a while, man. And there was a lot of heartache throughout those years. You know, as long as she’s happy, I don’t care either way, and neither does my husband. And we have two other kids as well, and we don’t care either way for all of them.”
Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp’s daughter, Lily-Rose, identifies as “gender fluid,” but Depp claims he wasn’t surprised. According to People, he said, “She’s got a sensible head on her shoulders, and I trust her to lead a sensible, responsible life, but I can’t ever see the day coming when I just switch off to let her make her own way in the world.”
Though Cher admits she struggled with Chaz’s gender transition, she seems to finally have come to terms with it, telling The Huffington Post, “For the people who don’t understand it I try to help them understand, by saying, you know, ‘I just love being a woman so much, but if I woke up tomorrow and I was a man, I couldn’t function,’ and that’s the only way to describe it to someone who doesn’t understand. It’s hard to relate to.”
Cybill Shepherd
Cybill Shepherd walked the red carpet at a GLAAD event with her lesbian daughter, Ariel. Shepherd said to Curve Mag, “Having witnessed the segregated South, and the inhumane treatment of blacks where I grew up, and being in Memphis when Martin Luther King was assassinated — that was the moment that I [knew I] had to become a political activist. And once you look at equality, you can’t draw any line based on sexual orientation, or religion. We just want our children to grow up and flower. The world needs all its flowers.”
Magic Johnson
About his gay son, Magic Johnson said to TMZ, “I told him, ‘E.J. I love you, and I’m going to support you no matter what.'”
Ally Sheedy
Ally Sheedy, who’s own mother was a lesbian, never struggled with her daughter’s sexuality. She told the Windy City Times, “It’s difficult for me to understand a family member judging or not loving or accepting another family member because they are gay.”
Dick Cheney
The former vice president said he was “delighted” when his daughter Mary legally married Heather Poe.
Marie Osmond
Osmond supports not only her lesbian daughter, Jessica, she also supports many LGBT causes. She once told ABC News, “I don’t think God made one color flower. I think he made many.”
Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand has publically supported her gay son, Jason Gould, even recording a duet with him. The proud mother told Katie Couric, “And I tell you, when I heard the things he’s recorded, the musicianship, the sound of his voice, it’s like he has a little chamber music orchestra right in his vocal cords.”
Sally Field
In an open letter, Field said, “Sam is my youngest son, by 18 years, and he is gay. To that I say: So what?”
Olivia Wilde
Olivia Wilde has a 1-year-old son named Otis with Jason Sudeikis and hopes his generation isn’t bothered with labels when it comes to sexuality. She told The Huffington Post, “Why do we insist on labels that hold us back? My hope is that my son, by the time he’s my age, doesn’t recognize a world in which we’re stuck in definitions others put upon us.”
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