In times of troubling uncertainty, Hollywood reaches back to Biblical tales to help audiences deal with morality.
Pontius Pilate (Peter Firth) investigates rumors that a Jewish Messiah has risen from his grave. Playing now.
‘Gods of Egypt’ opens Feb. 26
This sword and sandals movie takes inspiration from the Bible’s Old Testament and Egyptian mythology.
‘Ben-Hur’ opens Aug. 12
This remake of the Hollywood classic hopes to appeal to a new generation of moviegoers.
‘The Young Messiah’ opens March 11
Based on the book by Anne Rice, this is the story of Jesus as a 7-year-old child.
‘Silence’ opens in 2016
Starring Adam Driver and Liam Neeson, this movie tells the story of two Jesuit priests in Japan in the 1600s.
‘Of Kings and Prophets’
This edgy, Old Testament saga tells the story of Saul and David. It premieres on ABC March 8.
Bible-baddie Lucifer (Tom Ellis) leaves hell for Los Angeles. This show currently airs Monday nights on Fox.
‘Mary Magdalene’
Rooney Mara will star as the most misunderstood woman from the Bible. Look for the film in 2017.
‘The Red Tent’ now on Netflix
From 2014, this miniseries focused on several women from the Bible like Dinah, Leah and Rachel.
‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ from 2014
At odds with Ramses (Joel Edgerton), Moses (Christian Bale) leads the Jews out of Egypt.
Russell Crowe stars as the man who built an epic boat to save his family and two of every living animal. From 2014.
‘Last Days in the Desert’
Ewan McGregor plays Jesus and the Devil in this reimagining of Jesus’s 40-day hike through the desert. 5/13.
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