Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, and more famous stars who have had the best lines in film.
Clark Gable as Rhett
The MPA board began to allow the words “damn” and “hell” in 1939, just a month before the film’s release.
Roy Scheider as Brody
This line wasn’t even in the original script, but was improvised by Scheider.
Judy Garland as Dororthy
This line remains in the American vernacular, meaning one has entered a new and unfamiliar world.
Humphrey Bogart as Rick
Rick is speaking about Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman), of course.
Alex McCrindle as Gen. Dodonna
“May the Force be with you,” was first uttered by Gen. Dodonna, not Obi-Wan Kenobi, as many people believe.
Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle
Travis uses this line in front of the mirror to practice being tough.
Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden
Both Edward Norton and Brad Pitt took boxing and taekwondo lessons prior to filming.
Darth Vader
Actor David Prowse wore the costume and didn’t know that James Earl Jones would do the voice.
Marlon Brando as Don Corleone
Of course that offer never included money, just a coffin.
Judy Garland as Dorothy
This simple phrase with a few heel clicks allowed Dorothy Gale to access her true power.
Estelle Reiner as Customer
Billy Crystal was supposed to say the line but director Rob Reiner instead gave it to his mother, Estelle.
Humphrey Bogart as Rick
Rick is speaking about Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman), of course.
Sean Connery as Bond
This understated introduction tells you everything you need to know.
Heath Ledger as the Joker
Oh, Heath. The entire world misses you.
Mandy Patinkin as Montoya
Mandy Patinkin says people quote this line back to him at least once a day.
Humphrey Bogart as Rick
Rick is speaking about Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman), of course.
Haley Joel Osment as Cole
Actor Michael Cera claims he auditioned for the role of Cole, but Osment was cast instead.
Tom Hanks as Jim Lovell
In real life, it was astronaut Jack Swiger who said, “Okay Houston, we’ve had a problem here.”
Schwarzenegger as the Terminator
O.J. Simpson was considered for the part of the Terminator, but the producers thought he was too nice.
Jack Nicholson as Col. Jessup
Writer Aaron Sorkin first wrote A Few Good Men as a stage play before it was turned into a movie.
Bruce Willis as McClane
This line is used in all five Die Hard movies. It translates to “here eat this” in the Urdo language.
Renee Zellweger as Dorothy
This film launghed Rene Zellweger to stardom after she beat out actresses like Molly Ringwald and Uma Thurman.
Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear
Billy Crystal has stated that he regrets turning down the role of Buzz Lightyear.
Pat Welsh as E.T.
It’s rumored that E.T.’s face is a combination of Albert Einstein, a pug dog and Carl Sandburg, the poet.
Tom Hanks as Jimmy
Tom Hanks gained 30 pounds for the role.
Dustin Hoffman as Ben
Director Mike Nichols cast Hoffman because he had a natural awkwardness that seemed right for Ben.
Jack Nicholson as Jack
This scene took three days to film and Nicholson hacked through 60 doors with an axe.
Bette Davis as Margo
The oringial title of the film was Best Performance but was changed by producer Darryl F. Zanuck.
Peter Graves as Capt. Oveur
Aeromexico was the only airline ever to show the film as part of their in-flight entertainment.
Robin Williams as John Keating
Dustin Hoffman was originally planning to direct and star in the film. He ended up dropping out.
Robert Duvall as Kilgore
Marlon Brando is said to have showed up on set drunk, overweight and not knowing his lines.
Richard Castellano as Clemenza
While the line, “Take the gun” was in the script, actor Castellano is said to have improvised the rest.
Tom Cruise as Maguire
The role of Jerry Maguire was originally written for Tom Hanks.
Al Pacino as Tony
Robert De Niro was offered the role of Tony Montana but declined.
Marlon Brando as Terry
Frank Sinatra almost played the lead role when Brando intially refused the part.
Kevin Spacey as Verbal
Spacey glued his fingers together to make his disability look more real.
Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown
Christopher Lloyd still wants to do another film where he and Marty time-travel back to Ancient Rome.
James Stewart as George
Now considered a holiday classic, the film flopped when it was released in 1946.
Gloria Swanson as Norma
Mae West turned down the role of Norma Desmond because she didn’t think she was old enough to play her.
Al Pacino as Michael
Al Pacino developed pneumonia while shooting in Italy, and the production was delayed for a month.
Peter Finch as Howard
This is perhaps the most famous movie about disgruntled workers.
Strother Martin as Captain
Rock band Guns and Roses used this line in their song “Civil War.”
Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump
Tom Hanks declined taking a salary for the movie and instead took percentage points, which earned him $40 million.
Leo DiCaprio as Jack
While the producers wanted Matthew McConnaghey to play Jack, director James Cameron insisted on DiCaprio.
Kevin Costner as Ray
The original title of the film was Shoeless Joe Jackson, but it didn’t score well with test audiences.
Sean Connery as Bond
This understated introduction tells you everything you need to know.
Kathleen Turner as Jessica
Kathleen Turner is not credited for voicing Jessica Rabbit. Her songs were performed by Amy Irving.
Ellen DeGeneres as Dory
DeGeneres is reprising her role as Dory in Finding Dory that opens June 17, 2016.
Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Lecter
Hannibal Lecter is the quinessential movie cannibal and will always terrify us.
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