What would your favorite Disney princess look like if she went to Coachella or Bonnaroo? We had a lot of fun imagining just that.
Of course, Ariel is rocking her classic purple bikini top. She’d also be the girl in furry boots… because she’s just so stoked to have legs.
Belle can’t go anywhere without a book. Or without looking over her shoulder for Gaston. Ugh!
We all know the Cinderella version of a festivalgoer — she’s the one in completely unnecessary heels.
Of course, Princess Jasmine is in a crop top. She’s also most likely to throw down a tapestry mid-pit and demand people walk around.
Our favorite Scottish girl is rockin’ plaid and sunburned cheeks. She’s the least on-trend but the happiest to see that nostalgic rock band play later tonight.
A born leader, Mulan holds the sign to rally the troops and lead the girls through the crowd. And, yeah, those are gladiator sandals. So fierce!
Pocahontas and Aurora
Aurora may be rocking all the colors of the wind in her headdress, but Pocahontas is not cool with blondie re-appropriating a symbol of her culture. Only Poc’ can do that.
Behold the girl who lets her wild hair flow so that everyone in the crowd behind her can get tangled in it every time they try to raise their arms or clap. #ThanksAlotRapunzel
Snow White
Snow White is a different type of festival girl: the one who spend the entire show on some dude’s dwarfs’ shoulders with her butt in your face.
Tiana was not at all prepared for all this dust. How did she let the ladies talk her into this? She’s the scowling girl opening portalets with a tissue.
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